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Current Events
  A Message From the President -- Ernest Ehabe
Bread For Life is more than just a humanitarian, or missionary organization. As our example, Jesus met people's spiritual and physical needs. Our goal for those that we help is for them to become self-sufficient, so that they can in turn help others in the same way.

This idea is brought to life with our "Samaritan's Enterprise" project as well as our other projects & ministries.
   Our Call

"I am convinced that God has called us to serve Him by serving the marginalized, poor, peripheral human communities that are hungry to know Him. "

-Ernest Ehabe

  Bridging the Gap
Bridging the Gap between Western and African Christians, Bread For Life's mission is to empower Africans to support their own indigenous church planting and humanitarian efforts--by providing resources for strategic impact.
  Focus on Ministry
Our short term missions teams bring resources and talents to assist local African churches in completing humanitarian and outreach projects.
  Reaching the Un reached
With the ability to reach indigenous and even Un reached people groups in Africa (such as the Pygmies ), we are fulfilling Christ's great commission (Mt 28:19).
©2001 Convergency Media Solutions Last updated August, 2003